Monday, May 22, 2006

Sources of support

I’ve never been in J school. I haven’t even taken a journalism class. All my newspaper knowledge comes from working at my school’s daily paper and from a week that I spent writing for the Asian American Journalists Association convention newspaper. As a result, these past few days have been immensely helpful. All the coaches and speakers answered my questions, and other students thought of situations and issues that I had not. These sessions probably will hold the answers to problems that I will encounter during my internship and future jobs. Inevitably, new questions will arise as I gain more experience. Luckily, I know that my career coaches, den mothers and other Chipsters will be there to guide me and support me. I’m so lucky to have received this opportunity and to have gained so many sources of support. The most important thing that I’ve learned is that although I might be daunted by the issues that will challenge me, there always will be someone there. They may not have answers to everything, but they will help me find the answer on my own.

-- Kristi Hsu, University of Texas-Austin, Abilene (Texas) Reporter-News


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