Friday, May 19, 2006

Support from a stranger

In preparation for air travel, I usually stock up on sports magazines and biographies. As I sat in the plane headed for D.C., I read stories and took notes. Seated next to me was an older man with a pile of papers and a pen. I saw him glimpse in my direction. He eventually got the courage to ask if I was a writer. I told him that I am an intern and prospective journalist. He wanted to know how I got into journalism and who I had to thank for it. What seemed to catch his interest was the fact that I am a Native American woman who wants to be a journalist – in sports, no less.

I talked to him about my goals, plans and tribe. He turned to me and said, “I’m proud of you. It’s because of young people like you I’m interested in what people of various descents have to say. I want to read about something from your point of view.”

There have been many experiences that remind me of my reasons for wanting to be a journalist. But this, by far, was the best of all.

-- Sunnie Redhouse, University of New Mexico, St. Cloud (Minn.) Times


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