Sunday, July 30, 2006

Unexpected lesson

When I arrived at my internship at The News Journal, I thought I’d be writing for the metro staff. But I soon learned that I had been reassigned to the business desk. Having never written a business article in my life, I felt uneasy and unsure about my performance. My editors were very helpful and gave me a “crash course” in business writing. I learned everything from how to read a 10K form and what the SEC is to how to calculate a percentage change.

I’ve written five business features, each with market analysis, and, though not proficient, I feel I have a pretty good grasp on general business writing. I thought that I’d be doing what I’ve always done -- general breaking-news assignments and event coverage. Not only has the CQS internship given me a Summer of invaluable experiences, but I now have the basics of a new skill that will put me ahead of the game.

-- Dwayne Steward, Ohio University,The News Journal, Wilmington, Del.


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