Friday, May 19, 2006

Our role in understanding

I come from a country where despotism has suffocated its people. Freedom of speech and liberty are meaningless, as people can hardly convey their messages. In such a country, people do not expect to be informed of realities. Consequently, they have become used to reading between the lines.

On the other hand, what is unfortunate in places like the United States -- where freedom of speech has been promoted through the First Amendment -- is that freedom of speech is not always being practiced correctly in the media.

It is sad when I see brilliant comrades -- future journalists -- lack necessary knowledge about other parts of the world. It is unfortunate to see that all they know about my country -- Iran -- is its alleged attempt to develop nuclear weapons.

Awareness, knowledge and information are the foundations of freedom.

John C. Quinn named us Chips Quinn Scholars, the special ones who manifest the Chips spirit. It is our responsibility to start a new movement. We need to introduce the unknown to the people, provide realities and “change the face of journalism” as Quinn pleaded.

-- Farideh Dada, San Jose State University, Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) Journal


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